
Cardiovascular disease model

Cardiovascular disease model

Disease model

Modeling   approach

Animal strains


Atherosclerosis rabbit model

abdominal aorta balloon injury

New Zealand white rabbit

Degree of atherosclerosis in the abdominal   aorta

Hyperlipidemia   rat model

High   fat diet

SD rat

Serum   TC, TG, HDLC, LDLC and other blood lipid markers changes

Spontaneous   hypertensive rat model

Buy   Spontaneous hypertensive rat strains

SHR   rat

Whether   the systolic pressure is higher than 120mmHg

Immune myocarditis model

Subcutaneous   injection of complete freund's adjuvant containing pig myocardial myosin

SD/Wistar rat BALB/c mouse

HE   staining and Masson staining of heart tissue

Pregnancy-induced hypertension   syndrome(PIHS) model

intraperitoneal   injection of DL-homocysteine from day 10 to day 19 of gestation

SD/Wistar female   rat

Determination   of systolic blood pressure

Acute myocardial infarction(AMI)   model

Ligate   the left   anterior descending coronary artery (LAD)

SD/Wistar rat

C57BL/6   mouse

Measurement   of Cardiac Function by Echocardiography; TTC   staining with Evans blue perfusion; HE staining and Masson staining of heart   tissue

Chronic heart failure(CHF)   model

Abdominal   aorta coarctation

SD/Wistar rat

Observe   fur color and respiratory rate; Heart tissue pathological analysis

Rat model of arrhythmia

Intravenous   injection of aconitine

SD/Wistar rat

ECG   changes were recorded

Rat model of septic shock

Injection   of LPS

SD/Wistar rat

Visually   inspect for shock symptoms

Anaphylactic shock model

Injection   of horse serum

SD/Wistar rat

TOPBIOTECH   can provide and develop animal models of various diseases according to   customers' requirements

Case analysis   Atherosclerosis rabbit model

A rabbit model of atherosclerosis prepared by abdominal aortic balloon injury showed a lesion process similar to that of human atherosclerosis, which has been widely used in studies on the mechanism of atherosclerosis, drug screening and drug validation.

Experimental animal information

Name   of animal model

Atherosclerosis in rabbit model

Species and strains of animal

New Zealand white rabbit

Gender of animal

Age of animal


Weight of animal



The body weight was significantly higher; severe fatty liver was seen; perirenal fat was thickened; fat was wrapped in the outer wall of abdominal aorta. After separation of abdominal aorta, the internal lipid plaquesins the abdominal aorta were visible to the naked eye, and the abdominal aorta was thickened and the elasticity was poor.

Partial surgical process display

