
​NOD-SCID mice

Column:Experimental Animal Time:2022-01-21 Browsing volume: 337
Origin: Scid mice are mutant lines of C.B-17 mice. C.B-17 mice are homologous inbred lines of BALB/c mice. In addition to carrying the immunoglobulin heavy chain lg-lb allele from
C57BL/Ka mice to BALB/c mice,

Origin: Scid mice are mutant lines of C.B-17 mice. C.B-17 mice are homologous inbred lines of BALB/c mice. In addition to carrying the immunoglobulin heavy chain lg-lb allele from
C57BL/Ka mice to BALB/c mice, the remaining genes of two strains of mice are identical. Jax and non obese diabetic mice hybridized with SCID mice to reduce the activity of NK 、
cells. Hybrid double mutant NOD / LT SCID mice expressed the characteristic of relatively low NK cell activity.

Source: quoted from Jax laboratory in the United States.

Coat color: albino

Characteristics and uses: non obese diabetic severe combined immunodeficiency mice, commonly used in tumor, immunology, embryonic stem cells, AIDS and hepatitis, as a severe
combined immunodeficiency animal model of T'B' NK cell deficiency.

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